Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Recent Pics

Blogging hasn't been my strong suit for the past year.  We do take pictures.  Lots of pictures.  Yet they never make it past the Picasa library on our computer.  We've been busy.  

Below are some recent pictures that show what we've been up to.

Practicing golf with Daddy.

This is Schuler's favorite hat.  It's the only hat he'll wear.  

Hanging out at the pool.  Two must haves for the pool: 
1. Some type of stick/sword
2. Snacks

Early morning playtime.  Early, meaning before 6:30.  Look how alert they look.   

Fun trips to the zoo.

Hanging out before church. 

Celebrating Daddy's Day. 

 Hanging out in the backyard.

Making airplanes with Daddy. 

And last but not least, lots of sibling fighting.  This is Schuler pinching John Henry until John Henry got out of his drawer.  John Henry may be bigger.  But Schuler always wins.