Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beach, Baby, Buff...not my body

My poor wife has been waiting for a vacation (and seriously deserves it) for a long, long, long time. She's been working her butt off for the last few months and it's been over 5 months since she's taken even a day off for vacation. Two years ago we would be on our third major vacation by this time of year, but as time and money seem to be short these days, we go through the motions of life.

So, we are finally off to the beach! This is one of my favorite trips every year, but this year is going to be different for several reasons. One - my wife is pregnant. Two, my wife is pregnant! We haven't been to the doctor yet, so I want to keep our heads level and take this thing one baby step at a time. Crazy! I still haven't wrapped my brain around this one yet, but life is a going to change big time. It's something we've been trying for for around 7 months and talking about it for much longer. Okay, that should be in a blog of it's own, but I figured I would try to hide it in this blog that no one reads except my wife and me anyway. Don't know when to tell the fam or our friends, but I reckon the longer we wait the better. I guess the wife is the boss on this issue. So getting back to the differences of this trip; we're going with 5 other couples - three other wives are pregnant too. Yikes. Which brings me to our next difference - we're not sleeping in our favorite bedroom. We get the upstairs living room with no bathroom. Booooo. I guess it's hard to complain - it's free and on the beach with our good friends.

Lastly, I'm not exactly in the shape that I had planned to be in for the beach, but not near as bad as I was right around January 1st. I've lost around 7-8 pounds since then. I'll take it, but I'm not satisfied. Baby steps

Gotta check my lotto numbers! - JS

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bicycle Rage

I will admit that in the past few years I've experienced road rage. Nothing too severe but enough to get my blood boiling and to let a few choice words out of my mouth. My mother would not approve. However, yesterday was the first time I experienced bicycle rage. I was driving down the street and I was passing a bicycle when my car went over a large slab of wood and I apparently didn't give the biker enough space when I passed. Did I hit him? No. Did I make him fall off his bike? No. I didn't even realize I was close to him until I had parked in my garage, was out of the car, and he was at the bottom of our driveway yelling at me.

I was so stunned that I said excuse me, because I was sure he was commenting on how nice our front yard was looking and not about my driving skills. It took me a few seconds to realize I was wrong and that he was truly angry and calling me an irresponsible driver that was going too fast down our road. Now, I may have not given him all the space he desired as I passed but I was certainly not going fast down our road. I was going 25, the speed limit. I am adamant about going the speed limit, or slower in neighborhoods. When I responded I explained that I was sorry but I was trying to not hit the slab of wood in the middle in the street as I passed. He got angry and told me next time to hit the wood instead of him. He peddled off in a huff thinking that I was in the wrong and how dare I!

What makes me mad is not that he yelled at me but how I handled it. I should have responded calmly and said, "Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." That would have diffused the situation and we could have had an adult conversation. I could have said that I was sorry, I didn't realize I was so close to him when I passed and I am very careful on the street and I will be more aware of him in the future. When responding in a calm manner your thoughts are clear. You can process what is going on. When you start a conversation yelling at me, I don't know how to respond and when I do, it's too late.

I hope I run into him again. Not literally, because he might go off the deep end this time. But to introduce myself and have a real conversation with him. I know it's silly and I shouldn't let it bother me. But I try really hard to be careful in neighborhoods and I can't believe that every time this guy passes our house he'll think about the irresponsible girl that was too close to him on his bike!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The "Garden"

The Moors thought that if you lived in a garden, you would never die. If that were true, I may not have many years left after looking at my backyard. Okay, it's not that bad, but sometimes I feel like it is. I recently rented a Bobcat for improvement, which I operated myself for about one hour. After having a little fun driving around, I found this piece of equipment wasn't quite suited to do the hard work I was planning it to do. So, I figured I would cut my losses and bring it around to the front. Well, I proceeded to get the machine wedged between a hill/mountain (whatever) in yard and the neighbors fence. It wasn't pretty. After more than two hours of manually digging (ironic huh?) the Bobcat out of it's hole, I was able to straighten it out and drive it down the hill and around the house. $200 later, I created nothing except destruction. I paid for this? Someday that yard will be a nice oasis for my dog and all to see. How will I get there? Persistence. That I have

Update on Life

Okay, it's been a while since I've posted so I'll run through a few thoughts in my head. First of all, the weather is great and I love spring. It's my favorite time of the year bar none. I'll be outside as much as I can working in the yard or playing golf or sitting by my folks pool. Sweet. Speaking of working outside, I'm just getting over my third case of poison ivy/oak this year. Not so sweet, but I guess I'm only to blame.

Secondly, my workout routine is shot to hell. I'm not exercising near what I should be and now the beach weekend is right around the corner. My parents are quick to say, "fat and happy"....yes, sometimes. I'll continue to bitch and complain about my love handles to my wife. That's the way it works.

Third and most important, my wife and I are still trying to get pregnant and we've taken the next step which was somewhat eye opening. We're seeing a specialist and for some reason that made it all the more real for me. Geez, we're really trying to do this kid thing! I still haven't thought that far in the future about how this could change our lives. Of course the first step is getting pregnant and that by no means is a given. Sounds like we got a chance, but one step at a time..."baby steps," as Bill Murray would say.