Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Easter with a 15 month old proved to be significantly different than Easter with a 4 month old.  We tried our hand at some Easter Egg hunts.  Which didn't go well.  We knew better than to attend a formal church service so we opted for the outdoor service that only lasted for 30 minutes.  We also knew that there would be zero pictures of John Henry posing for a sweet Easter shot.  Long past are the days where he sits long enough for a posed shot.  So knowing that life is different, we did the best with what we had.

The Easter festivities started off with an Easter Egg hunt and class party at his daycare.  It started okay but quickly went downhill once John Henry realized there were other parents on the playground.  You could say we are going to through an attachment phase...

He just realized that there were other parents that were too close to him.

The picture above shows how he feels about the other parents.

So in the end I had to hold him for the entire Easter Egg hunt and class party (which is why there are no pictures of the actual party). 

The next morning we decided to try our hand at a second Easter Egg hunt at Mt. Bethel.  This one was even less successful.  I don't really blame John Henry for not liking it.  It was crowded and clearly he doesn't like strangers.  We should have skipped this part but I wanted him to at least try to do it.  I think we picked up one egg before we called it quits.

There was also a 6'4" Easter bunny there and John Henry liked him.  As long as we were 15 feet away and he had a firm grip around my neck.

Thankfully the church had a petting zoo in addition to the scary Egg Hunt and ridiculously tall Easter bunny.  It was by far John Henry's favorite part of the morning.  John Henry thought the goats were dogs.  He had no problem trying to pet and hug them.  He also tried to eat their food.  He didn't particularly like the food but it didn't stop him from chewing and swallowing some of it.

So excited to pet the goat.

Yes John Henry.  That furry white thing really is a bunny.

Petting the llama

This was his favorite goat.

Our Easter Family picture.  A little more casual than last year's picture but we'll take it.  Thanks Kriya!

After Mt. Bethel Grandma Yeary came over to our house to have lunch and give us our Easter baskets. 

Thanks for the gifts and candy Grandma!

The next morning we attended the sunrise service.  It was early and John Henry went in his pj's.  I have a feeling that this will be our service for the next three to four years.  When we got home Jay made us pancakes and John Henry got to open his gift from the Easter Bunny.

If you can't tell, he got golf clubs.  He was actually really excited and couldn't wait for Jay to open the box and put everything together. 

Hurry Dad!  Open it!

Helping put it together.

Taking his golf bag for a spin.  Surprisingly he really loves his clubs.  He knows to hit the ball and so far he hasn't broken anything. 

Later that afternoon we tried our hand at our third Easter Egg hunt.  I was more optimistic since it was just for Holland and John Henry and it was at Aunt Sherridan's new house. 

Once we were there I had high expectations.  John Henry was interested in holding his Easter basket and couldn't wait to get outside.  Once Max and Henry finished hiding the eggs we turned John Henry and Holland loose in the back yard.  It went down hill from there.  Holland knew exactly what to do and John Henry could have cared less.  He just wanted to run in the grass.  Henry did his best to help him but John Henry had no interest at all. 

John Henry just wanted to roll in the grass.

At least Holland enjoyed it.  Here she is counting her eggs.

After the Easter Egg hunt we headed over to Jay's parent's house for Easter dinner.  It was delicious and the perfect way to end the holiday weekend.  Happy Easter to our family and friends.  We missed everyone that wasn't here to celebrate with us. 

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