Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Report

Every day when we pick up John Henry and Schuler we receive what could be called a progress report.  John Henry's report is called the Explorer's Daily Report.  Code for - "Here is what your crazy 2 year old did today".  It lists his meals, toilet learning schedule, nap time, temperament, favorite activities, and comments. 
Here is what the sheet said today:
Breakfast: Bagels, Bananas, Milk (2 helpings of each)
Lunch: BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Pears, Roll, Milk (ate all)
Snack: Oatmeal cookies and Milk (ate all and had 4 cups of milk)
(I'll skip the toilet learning section - it's not bad but not one of his better days)
Napped from 12 - 2:10 
Temperament: Enthusiastic
Favorite Activities: Morning message, story time, bubble dancing, bear hunt, big red fire truck, outside play.
Comments: John Henry really enjoyed playing in the big red fire truck.  He was telling his friends what a fireman did (i.e., saying, "we rescue kitties").
I feel like we got our money's worth today.

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