Saturday, March 27, 2010

To tell or Not to tell, that is the question...

How long is it acceptable to keep a secret from your family? Maybe it depends on the type of family. At the moment, we have a secret and we are still debating on when we should share it. The secret isn't bad news. It's not anything that would cause too much concern. In short, it's not too big of a deal.

We're seeing a fertility doctor. It's one that my husband's family knows well because one of his sisters was a patient 6 years ago. They love the doctor and as a result of seeing him we are godparent's to their five year old son. Based on our limited time with the doctor we love him as well. Very smart, makes you feel comfortable, and most importantly doesn't make you feel like you are broken.

It's too early to tell what our prognosis is. We've done some tests, have some more lined up and then we'll meet with the doctor to determine what our plan of action is. I think that once we know the plan, then we'll say something to the family. We're really not trying to shut them out. It's just why share the unknown and then have everyone asking you how it's going when you don't know? It's already a sensitive topic. Everyone has their opinions on it and to be honest, I don't want to hear them. The only opinion I want to hear is from the doctor. So until the man tells us what is going on, we'll keep our mouths shut. Besides, who wants to have people look at you and feel sorry for you? Definitely not me!


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