Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beach, Baby, Buff...not my body

My poor wife has been waiting for a vacation (and seriously deserves it) for a long, long, long time. She's been working her butt off for the last few months and it's been over 5 months since she's taken even a day off for vacation. Two years ago we would be on our third major vacation by this time of year, but as time and money seem to be short these days, we go through the motions of life.

So, we are finally off to the beach! This is one of my favorite trips every year, but this year is going to be different for several reasons. One - my wife is pregnant. Two, my wife is pregnant! We haven't been to the doctor yet, so I want to keep our heads level and take this thing one baby step at a time. Crazy! I still haven't wrapped my brain around this one yet, but life is a going to change big time. It's something we've been trying for for around 7 months and talking about it for much longer. Okay, that should be in a blog of it's own, but I figured I would try to hide it in this blog that no one reads except my wife and me anyway. Don't know when to tell the fam or our friends, but I reckon the longer we wait the better. I guess the wife is the boss on this issue. So getting back to the differences of this trip; we're going with 5 other couples - three other wives are pregnant too. Yikes. Which brings me to our next difference - we're not sleeping in our favorite bedroom. We get the upstairs living room with no bathroom. Booooo. I guess it's hard to complain - it's free and on the beach with our good friends.

Lastly, I'm not exactly in the shape that I had planned to be in for the beach, but not near as bad as I was right around January 1st. I've lost around 7-8 pounds since then. I'll take it, but I'm not satisfied. Baby steps

Gotta check my lotto numbers! - JS

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