Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fan Club

I'm concerned for my child.  His teachers recently informed me that he has a fan club at daycare.  I thought they were joking and then I witnessed it first hand on Monday.  I was dropping John Henry off when 3 little girls attacked me and would have pulled John Henry out of his car seat had they known how to undo the buckle.  Seriously, I'm not exaggerating.  They were kissing him before I could get him out and by the time I was able to free him from the car seat they were lined up with their arms outstretched waiting to hold him.  I thought it was a one time thing until Jay said that this happened to him last week when he was dropping him off.  The teachers have also overheard the little girls ranking the babies (in order of cuteness) and he's currently number one on their list*.  They also cheered yesterday morning when they found out that he wasn't going to be picked up early and that he would be there all day.

Now don't get me wrong, I think it's cute that they like him.  But this reception is not normal and I have a feeling that it's short lived.  I'm sure that once a new baby starts he's going to get dropped like a hot potato.  My hope is that he's too young to notice any of this attention.  I certainly don't want him to get a big head and more importantly, I don't want his feelings to be hurt when he's no longer the "it" baby at daycare.  I'm sure that he has no clue what's going on and is just happy to have someone smile and play with him.  I really hope that's the case, otherwise he's in for a rude awakening!   

*I know it sounds a little cruel that they were ranking the babies.  However, on the day they were doing this there were only two babies in the class.  The other baby was ranked number two and I'm sure if John Henry had been absent, the other baby would have been number one. 

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