Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 Months

John Henry is 3 months!  He didn't have a 3 month check up so we don't know exactly how much he weighs but we can tell that he's gaining some lb's. 

He really is the sweetest boy.

But still so tiny in the grand scheme of things...

Over the past month John Henry has worked on his talking (he really is quite a talker), bigger smiles, giggling (which is beyond precious), eating his hands or anything else that he can get into his mouth, and sitting up.

John Henry always enjoys talking to Daddy
Laughing with Mommy

These fingers are delicious!
Everything makes its way into his mouth - this was taken after a car ride when we discovered he fell asleep sucking on the paci holder instead of the paci...

John Henry gets lots of practice sitting up in his chair.  I love this shot because it looks like he is doing what my dad like to call "resting his eyes" which really means a catnap!

 John Henry has started to really enjoy bath time. He loves the water, even when we accidentally spray him in the face. However, he's still not a fan of getting out of the bath.

This has also been the month where he refuses to roll over.  He doesn't mind tummy time but for some reason has decided that rolling over is no longer his thing.  Looks like we need to teach him some new tricks! 

(I'll have to find a picture of him doing tummy time but he really enjoys playing on his back.  He loves to try to grab and hold onto things - like the things that hang down from his play gym).

He is in such a great mood (even when he is sick) and always has a great appetite.  He's up to 6 ounces 6 times a day!  I'm sure he will eat us out of house and home in high school.  Too scary to think about. 

He enjoys the outdoors and we try to spend a few minutes each day being outside.  We were even lucky enough to have him sleep in his stroller this past weekend so we could tackle some much needed yard work.  Please don't worry, we keep him in the shade with the car seat cover pulled over him. 

John Henry catching some rays.  Look at that fair skin!  We will definitely be using sunscreen every day this summer.

He continues to nap best in our bed or on the couch and it is a daily struggle to get him to nap in his crib.  He won't even sleep in his crib at daycare and prefers to take catnaps in the swing.  It's something that we are working on...

This was taken with my iphone when he was napping on the couch.
Also taken with my iphone when he was napping in our bed.  He loves to burrow into the sheets when he sleeps.  Don't worry, I was watching to make sure he wouldn't get lost in the blankets and sheets. 

Every day he looks different and we can't tell what color hair or eyes he will have.  Some days the hair looks red, some days blond and some days brown.  Same with his eyes.  They go between green and blue.  If I had to guess he will have red hair and green eyes.  So funny since neither Jay or I have red hair or green eyes!

We love this little boy with all our hearts and can't wait to see what he will do next.

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