Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Months!

Here we are again.  John Henry is 5 months and getting bigger by the minute.  I know it's a good thing but I feel like he's bigger than he was five seconds ago and I can't keep up.  We didn't have a check up this month but we estimate that he's 15 pounds.  I sometimes call him "my little bag of concrete".  He's a happy baby and smiles more than any other baby I've known. 

He's not stingy with the smiles!

Getting bigger

John Henry continues to develop his personality.  He loves to talk, move his arms and legs like a wild man, dance and walk (with the help of mom and dad), play with his new toys, and last but not least - play in the water.

He likes showers with Daddy.  I really think it's because Jay sprays his face and he loves it!

He's liking the exersaucer more these days.  He's not so afraid of the sounds but he's still trying to figure out how all the buttons and attachments work.

He also loves his new jumpy toy that the Calverts and Weeks got us.  We have to put a pillow under it so his feet can touch but he loves bouncing and making the piano play music.

He also enjoys his bumbo seats.  I think this was one of Bree's favorites and I can see why.  That toy attachment can keep him entertained for at least five minutes!

We continue to work on solid foods (if you can call baby food that).  Sweet potatoes seem to be his favorite baby food but I use the word favorite loosely...  In addition to sweet potatoes we've tried peas, squash, apples, pears, and carrots.  He tolerates them but I don't think he's a fan at this point.  We'll continue to give him baby food each day until he starts to protest. 

What he really loves are bananas.  Not baby food bananas but the real thing.  He chows down and when they are gone he gets angry, and I mean angry!

Mornings are his happiest time.  I try to spend as much time as possible with him before he leaves for daycare.  On the weekend mornings we stay in our pj's for as long as possible and just relax.  The weekends are always too short...

John Henry really loves to sit up.  This chair has been so great (thank you to the Barden and Habif family).  He looks like such a big boy in it.  It's almost sad!

John Henry also loves spending time with his dad.  They love their walks through the yard and singing time together.  John Henry really enjoys Jay's songs which are a mix of rap, country, blues, you name it - he sings it.

We've been working on our sitting time a lot this month.  He can sit by himself, so long as you are there to catch him.  He's doing pretty good.  He likes to hold your hands or a blanket and pull himself up to sit.  However, he still doesn't want to roll over - but he's obviously strong enough to do it.  I guess it's not his thing.

John Henry continues to nap best in our bed but sleeps great in his crib at night.  He's out of the swaddle and using the sleep sack.  Our second attempt with the sleep sack was much better than the first.  He likes it and tries to pull it up over his head.  I tell you what, this kid just wants to have his eyes covered when he sleeps.  Jay does the same thing so I'll blame it on his genes.

I'm hoping that we can do professional pictures this summer.  It's currently on ongoing "discussion" with Jay.  Jay believes that we have plenty of pictures already.  But I want someone who knows what their doing to take our picture.  I want a picture of our family.  One that I can frame. 
Until then, we have John Henry's school pictures that will hold me over - but not for long!

At this point we can't tell what color eyes / hair our little boy will have.  His eyes seem to change colors at least twice a day.  (I'm not exaggerating).  They really change with the light and what he wears.  As for his hair, I think it will be blond but not the white blond Jay had as a child.  I think it will be a darker blond but who knows at this point.  You can still catch some red and brown tints at different times.  I'm sure he'll look handsome whatever the combo.  I have to say that, I'm his mother! 

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