Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Holland

Our niece Holland turned two.  Crazy how that happened.  We were just visiting her as a newborn in the hospital...

Holland is the baby of her family (by about 6 years) so she and John Henry will be more like siblings than cousins.  They go to the same daycare, always sit next to each other, and are equally spoiled by everyone in the family.  I'm sure they will be very close and get in lots of trouble together.

As the baby in the family, Holland was outside trying to keep up with the big kids when we arrived.  She does a pretty good job playing football!

Poor John Henry, he didn't get to play but he enjoyed watching.

My sweet Holland. 

Holland with her Daddy.

Holland with her older sister Sumner and CeCe.

Look at that party hat!

Holland had both grandmothers at her birthday.  Lucky girl!

Even John Henry wore a birthday hat.  For a few seconds...

Big Brother Max

and Holland's other big brother, Henry.

Singing to the birthday girl.  She loves the song Happy Birthday and started singing it a month before the actual day.  She went around singing "Happy Day!  Happy Day!"  It was pretty funny once we figured out she meant Happy Birthday.

What a sweet little lady eating her cupcake with a spoon!

And even sweeter to share with her daddy!

Sherridan and Henry.  I can't believe I never got a picture of Holland with her mom!  Sorry Sherridan, I'll do better next year.

Happy Birthday Holland.  We love you!

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