Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11 Months

Believe it or not our baby is 11 months.  At 11 months he has 8 teeth, says several words, and does his best to walk around (with assistance).  He's still pretty happy, despite the numerous colds.  I think this last cold he had lasted most of the month.  We've also discovered he's allergic to Penicillin, which makes treating ear infections a little more difficult.  Thankfully he's a good sick baby and continues to smile throughout the day.

Look at that happy baby!

Little man in a big chair.

John Henry still loves to be outside.  I'm not sure that will ever change based on his genes.  Cold or hot he wants to be outside.  I guess that's a good thing.  Especially since his Daddy and Bebe have no problem spending long periods of time together outside.  He fits right in.

John Henry is starting to get shy around strangers and he's even a little scared of certain things.  He's really afraid of people in hats and sunglasses.  He wouldn't even look at his favorite babysitter when she was wearing both at the same time.  He just can't get over it so beware.  If you have on either he's going to keep his distance.  The only exceptions is Jay.  John Henry doesn't seem to have a problem with Jay in a hat - just the rest of the world. 

Every now and then he likes to try on Daddy's hats.  It never stays on long so I do my best to get the picture before it's ripped off.  I think he looks adorable in a hat!

I even think a backwards hat is cute on this kid.

As far as weather goes, November has been a decent month .  We've done our best to enjoy it before it gets too cold.  A new favorite for John Henry is the park swings.  He's spent time in the baby swings at daycare but he really enjoys going to the park.  So much to see and watch.  He loves to be pushed high and smiles the entire time.

Our curious little guy can't seem to take in new things fast enough.  Sometimes he's really quiet and it's because he's focusing so hard on what's going on.

Other times he screams and squeals with delight.  It's pretty easy to get him to smile.  Do a funny dance and he can't help but smile and laugh.  It works great for pictures and I could care less how silly or ridiculous that makes me look.   

Our little guy is really starting to eat more "big" people food.  He eats steak, fish, chicken, beans, pancakes, bananas, and cheese to name a few.  I'm pretty sure cheese is by far his favorite food. 

John Henry still enjoys bath time.  He's started standing up in the tub, which I'm not particularly fond of.  We try to keep him distracted by splashing and that works most of the time.  We're also working on finding some better bath toys.  I think that may help.  He still gets a bath every night and he's recently started getting his teeth brushed.  We do it in the morning and so far so good.  He seems to like it!
That's one clean baby!

John Henry continues to have irregular naps (despite our best efforts) and sometimes he conks out in the car.  We don't ever travel far so it's rare for him to really pass during a car ride.  When it does happen he doesn't even notice when you take him out of the car seat.  Since we rarely get to hold him when he's sleeping I relish every second. 

At this moment John Henry can say Mama, Dada, Dog, and Ball.  I swear I even heard him say patty cake the other day (but probably not since I haven't heard it since).  He's also started to take more of an interest in Lady.  He wants to pet her and if you ask him where Lady is, he'll look around until he finds her. 

John Henry really enjoys getting around the house.  He uses his push toys and cars to make his way to his destination.  He'll run over anything in his path so it's best to get out of the way.

I call this his DJ look.  He rarely keeps a hat/hoodie on and I think it's so cute.  When his hoodie is pulled up and he stands at his table it reminds me of a DJ spinning records.

Hey DJ, play that song!

I had to include this crawling shot of John Henry because it shows that his hair is growing.  I realize it's hard to see in the pictures but it really is starting to grow.  We've even had to cut a little that was growing over his ears.  I'm sure a professional haircut is still a ways off, but it was crazy to have to trim his hair when we thought it would never grow.

This next month will provide a lot of firsts for our little man  to take in.  We're travelling to Colorado for his first Thanksgiving, we'll be meeting Santa for the first time in early December and then it will be John Henry's first birthday.

I can only hope that he's as happy when he turns one as he is now . It should make for a great birthday!

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