Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving In Colorado

This year we spent our Thanksgiving holiday in Colorado with our family and friends.  Jay's sister Wendy picked us up at the airport and took us to one of our favorite places in Denver for lunch.  The food was amazing and I'm not sure if it was because we were starving or if we were just so relieved to be off the plane.  I'll just say that the trip out wasn't too horrible but we were definitely counting down the minutes to landing.  After lunch we got to see the Ladner's new home which is gorgeous and in an amazing location in Denver.  Hopefully we'll get to spend some more time and get some pictures there on our next visit.  

Our next stop was my parent's house in Broomfield.  They were so excited to see John Henry since they hadn't seen him since his baptism.  He enjoyed every second with them, especially since they  stocked up on toys and his favorite foods!

John Henry also got to spend some quality time with his Uncles Josh and Joshua. 

I thought Thanksgiving would be the perfect time to get our Christmas card picture.  Not so much.  It was ridiculously bright and John Henry had no interest in looking at the camera. 

My sweet dad did his best to get some good shots but we weren't good subjects.  I do like this one of John Henry.  He looks so sweet sitting in the field.

By the time we finished up with our "formal" pictures, John Henry was ready to get home and play until it was time to eat.

This year my dad deep fried a turkey and Mary cooked another one in the oven.  Both were delicious!

This is our group shot before we chowed down.  

Unfortunately John Henry wanted nothing to do with solid food while we were in Colorado.  I'm not sure if it's because he had a stomach bug or what but this kid wanted no part of the Thanksgiving feast.  

Instead, he had baby food and goldfish.  Lots and lots of goldfish.  At least he was a good sport and ate outside with us.  This was the first Thanksgiving in Colorado that we've ever eaten outside.  It was 70 degrees and beautiful.

After the meal, Jay did his best to work off the turkey by pushing John Henry around on his truck that Grandma Schuler got him.  He loved that truck and played with it the entire trip.

Grandma and Grandpa spent a lot of time spoiling John Henry.  In return, John Henry did his best to show off his tricks.

I think Grandpa loves you John Henry!

So does Daddy!

Showing Grandpa and Grandma his lip trick.

Being silly with Uncle Joshua.

Grandma Schuler took John Henry for a walk and found one of Josh's old hats.  I don't know how John Henry feels about the Broncos but I think he looks pretty good. 

The trip home was easier for us.  Probably because it was shorter and they put us in the baby ghetto.  If you don't know what the baby ghetto is, it's the last rows of the plane where they put all the families with small children.  Sounds awful but really it's amazing.  Everyone around you understands your situation so when your baby screams (because he thinks it's funny) you don't have to worry about people giving you the "look".  The flight attendants were also great and spent a lot of time flirting with John Henry.

They even gave him a pair of wings! 

This trip happened to fall during the "I only want my Daddy" phase.  Good for me, rough for Jay.  John Henry refused to let me hold him on most of the flight there and back.  Jay was great and as you can see from the picture above, John Henry was perfectly content to be in daddy's arms.

Although our trip out was quick we had a great time.  I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures of our lunch with Wendy and Steve, or of Jay hiking with John.  Thank you to everyone that shuttled us around and made the trip so easy for us.  We love you all and can't wait to come back!

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