Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mr. Mom

I have to give a shout out to Jay.  He really is an amazing dad.  It's a quality that he and all of his friends share.  All the dads are hands on and very involved with their children.  However, Jay's role as a dad may be a little different than his friends because of my job.  We are 50/50 on some things (like taking JH to daycare and to the doctor) but he spends more play time in the evenings (since I have a fair amount of conference calls at night) and always gives John Henry his bath.  He also does 99% of the cooking in our house but that's because he's good at it and we would have to survive on Eggo's, Kraft macaroni and cheese, and baked potatoes if I was in charge of meals.

Apart from everything I've mentioned above, Jay gets a shout out because for the last 2 months our little devil has been waking up between 4 and 5:30 every morning.  And here's the kicker - HE DOESN'T FALL BACK ASLEEP.  Since his room is down the hall from us, we hear him crying (and sometimes screaming) and so we are all up.  Trust us, we've tried everything, including ignoring the crying.  But John Henry just cries until you come get him.  Be it 20 minutes or an hour.  And almost every single morning, Jay is the one that gets up with him and does his best to keep him quiet so I can get a little more sleep.  I can honestly say that Jay hasn't gotten to sleep in until 6 am more than 3 or 4 times in 2 months.  He's a saint and I don't think I would ever be able to manage without him.   

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