Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby vs. Dog

I've realized in my 29 years that walking around with a baby or dog typically brings out a smile or a little extra attention from those you pass. If the idea of a baby and/or dog makes you frown or go the opposite direction, you are not my kind of people, so stop reading.

Recently Jay and I talk a lot about babies and dogs. The talk about dogs is much more simple than the talk about babies. It typically starts with me saying, "What a cute dog, we should adopt it so Lady can have a friend." Jay's response is ALWAYS, "We can have a baby or another dog, but not both. So pick one." Thus the additional conversations begin....

We've been having these conversations for over a year. Our decision changes daily and if we were keeping a tally of who was winning, baby vs. dog would be tied. It's not that we are unsure about either one. It really depends on the day. I see a cute dog who needs a forever home and the dog wins. The next day I spend time with my 3 month old niece (who NEVER cries) and I think the baby wins. Now, I do realize that both dog and baby are not perfect. I realize that it takes time to train dogs and taking them outside in the cold and rain is not a favorite part of my day. I also know that most babies do not sleep through the night (again like my niece), cry a lot, and change your life in more ways than you could ever begin to imagine.

However, as I spend more time with friends that have babies, or are having babies, I tend to lean towards the baby. And if truth be told, we aren't doing anything to prevent us from having a baby. And if we are being even more truthful, we haven't been preventing it for a while and nothing has happened. No baby. So maybe that's the answer. If we can't have kids then we have dogs. And if that ends up being the case, I may be sad. Sad and a little upset. But I don't think my husband should worry about that because like I said, I LOVE dogs. So really, it's a win win situation!


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