Thursday, January 21, 2010

Red sky in the morning...

Well, I didn't wake up early enough to know if there was a red sky this morning or not, but if we lived by the sea, "sailors take warning." Does it ever stop raining here? We were just in a drought a year ago! Now we're living in a freakin tropical rain forest. I think we need to tell ol' Gov Purdue to ask the man upstairs to slow it down a little. Ever since he prayed for rain at the state capitol it has been non stop. Don't get me wrong, we needed it more than most and I can't bring myself to ask for a drought. I just hope this spring and summer we'll have some good dry months so I can enjoy being outside. I'm also worried about some of the trees in our backyard falling on top of me in the middle of my sleep - not to mention on our newly renovated house. The ground is so soft and saturated that a little breeze could push them over the edge. I don't want to go out like that. So, here's to thanking the Lord for the rain we've received - we sure needed it. But, can we have some more sunshine? Thanks, Boss

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