Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gotta love February!

I love February. I mean really, really love February. I think it's one of the greatest months of the year. However, I may be biased. Here are some of the reasons I love it:

1. It's a short but sweet month. It never feels like it drags on like some of the other months.
2. I'm finally used to writing the current year by this time.
3. Valentines Day! It may be cheesy but giving a Valentine is just as much fun as receiving it. Okay, maybe not as much fun but I still remember how great it was to give/receive Valentines in school. I still try to send Valentines cards to friends and family.
4. It's my Anniversary Month, need I say more?
5. It's my birthday month and for some crazy reason the weather is always amazing on my birthday. I can't explain it, it just is.

Okay, I am biased. But you would be too if you were me!


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