Saturday, February 13, 2010

Playing Catch with Snowballs

We live in the South. Atlanta to be more precise. Living here has several perks, one of which is having mild winters where temperatures typically stay in the 50 - 60's. Not this year. This year we have worn our winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. And to be honest, it's kind of nice getting to use all those winter accessories that we inevitably get as Christmas gifts each year. (Don't ask me why we get them. I'm sure it's because they are closest to the check out register during the Holiday season). Those sweet Christmas gifts have finally gotten their use as the temperatures have been in the 20's and 30's. We even had a few days in the teens.

A non perk of living here is that when it does get cold, no matter how much you bundle up, you aren't quite prepared for the early morning and late night temperatures that you have to endure while taking the dog out so she can do her "business". It is not enjoyable. However, once in a blue moon, it snows. And although our friends in the north may think that it makes taking the dog out even worse, it does the opposite for us. It makes it better. We forget how beautiful the trees are when the branches are covered in snow. We forget how pretty the ground looks when it's covered by a white blanket of powder. And we forget how much fun it is to play catch with snowballs. It makes it all better, at least until it melts.


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