Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's a family!

Our dog Lady may not agree, but we are now officially a family.  A family of three with a dog.  At 8:53 am on December 16th of 2010, John Henry Starr V was born.  He's got 10 fingers and 10 toes and seems to be very healthy indeed.  Amanda and I feel very blessed to have so many friends and family shower support on us.  We'll need it - the little guy isn't crying right now, but I know he's got it in him.  There are a thousand thoughts in my head right now, but let's let some pictures do the talking.  Enjoy!


  1. Precious. Love at first sight! Congratulations and thanks for sharing the pics! ~ Jordan

  2. He's amazing! Love him up for me . . I'll see you again in a few days.
