Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It was a big Christmas this year.  Not only because we had John Henry but also because we had our families in town to celebrate with.  Jay's sister's family from Colorado was here, my family from Colorado and of course, all of our Georgia family stuck around to celebrate my favorite holiday!  (Don't worry, I know they came for John Henry and not for me!)

We had the annual Starr family dinner on Thursday, a nice and relaxed Christmas eve Friday and then gifts and TONS of food on Saturday.  It was too much for John Henry, so he slept through it.  I'm sure it will be different next year.  Maybe we won't be as sleep deprived (pictures below are evidence of that), John Henry will be awake to open his gifts (seriously, he couldn't be bothered to be awake this year), and maybe we'll have furniture in our living room to go with the Christmas tree (doubtful)!

We had a great Christmas.  Our one regret is that we didn't get to make it to church the entire month of December.  We missed that this year because of bed rest and then the newborn.  Although Sumner and Max did an amazing job reading the true Christmas story, we would like to get back to our church to celebrate the holiday next year. 

Our family picture (Lady didn't want to join us) before we went to the Starr family dinner on Thursday.  Can you tell that we could barely keep our eyes open?

On Christmas eve my Aunt Sonnie and Uncle Edward came to visit JHS.  As expected, he slept through the visit.

Proud Schuler Family
Christmas eve with Santa

Our Christmas eve dinner with roast beast

All of the kids opening their loot on Christmas morning.

Cece helping Holland with her toys.

John Henry's first Christmas gift!

Jay wishing he was asleep like John Henry.

The Starr trio (JHS III, JHS IV, and JHS V)

Sherridan and Holland

The Santivanez, Ladner, and Starr children.  Seven crazy cousins, and I still can't believe one of them belongs to us!

I guess it's a good thing we don't have furniture in the living room...

We look a little more awake after 3 cups of coffee.

Lady opening her loot.  The bone was the grand finale.

Grandma and Grandpa Schuler

Josh M and Grandma S.

Thanks Jared, Jenni, and Devin!  I know JHS will love his toys.

Grandma Yeary and Josh S

The Josh brothers being silly as usual.  (No they did not get Chinese takeout - my parents got them Bronco tickets).

Lady guarding her loot.

Okay, I lied.  John Henry didn't sleep through all of Christmas.  He was awake for a few minutes.

Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of Wendy, Steve, and James.  I think I know why.  Wendy was busy searching for Cece's gift that accidentally got thrown away.  I'm impressed that she found it!  After helping the kids with gifts, Steve put us all to shame and went for a Christmas morning run in his new work out clothes.  And James, he was busy with the video camera and then assembling the guns that Bebe bought them. Yes, I said guns.  Don't worry, the worst they can do is shoot their eye out!  I promise to do a better job next year and get pictures of everyone. 

Merry Christmas!

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