Saturday, July 16, 2011

7 Months

So John Henry is 7 months and getting bigger by the second.  He continues to be a very happy baby and this is the first month I can say we've had no colds, no congestion, no sickness of any kind.  His bottom front teeth are definitely in and are seen constantly with his never ending smile.  We didn't have a check up this month so we don't know how tall he is or how much he weighs but I can guarantee he is growing!

Our little monkey!

Look how much bigger he is in his chair.  Crazy!!!

Now that he getting bigger, we've been working on some "bigger" baby goals.  These include eating more solids, drinking with a sippy cup and crawling.
The sippy cup has its good days and bad days.  He has no problem picking it up and getting it to his mouth.  He's also fine with drinking the water.  It's the step in between that we have a hard time with.  Tilting the sippy cup up to his mouth to get the water is not going so well.  He gets frustrated and wants you to tilt it so he can drink.  I think that defeats the purpose of the sippy cup...
At least he gets it to his mouth!

His chunky little rolls have also become more prominent this month.  Since the crawling isn't going so well the rolls seem to get bigger every week.  I love them and know that they will melt off of him once he becomes mobile.  What a sad day that will be!

We try to spend as much time as possible with John Henry.  Rarely do I make it into work before 9:30.  Some days it's closer to 10.  Jay gets to work before I do but by no means is it much earlier than 9:30.  We are blessed to have flexible jobs that allow us to spend time in the mornings with our baby.  Like most babies it's his best time of the day.  After he drinks his bottle he is ready to play, laugh, and smile.  We talk, jump, explore the outdoors, and of course - love on Lady.

This was taken in June at Bree's birthday party.  Thank you Kriya for sending this.  I really love this picture.

Although you can't tell by this picture, this is Jay and JH doing their morning reading on the computer.  Jay is looking at some news / sports website and John Henry loves to sit and look at the colors/pictures on the screen.  Does this count as father / son bonding?

We continue to spend a lot of time at the pool.  Not as much as some of our friends, but it seems like a lot to me.  Our average time in the water is 20-30 minutes.  And once we are out we don't normally go back in so our time swimming is never long.  The great thing is afterwards John Henry normally gets a good 20 minute nap when he's wrapped up in his towel.  It's a rough life.

This is the month he started to play in the grass.  He really loves to be outside and it's like his little body can't absorb it fast enough.  Rarely does he say much when he's out in the yard.  He's constantly tucking his bottom lip in (see above) and I know that means he's focusing on what is going on around him.  He can look so serious but he's not a serious baby.  I honestly think he's just mesmerized by the outdoors and who has time to smile when there is so much to see?

In preparation for the beach we bought some sunglasses and had a few test runs.  The result? Just look above.  He had no problems with the glasses and never once tried to pull them off.  It's the same with hats.  Thank goodness because our sweet child still has very little hair.

John Henry's hand eye coordination has really improved this month.  Once he hit the 6 month mark he really started to get it.  In June - he officially started sitting on his own and we had no worries about plopping him down and walking away.  His balance is great and he rarely topples over.  He can catch himself with his hands and the only time he falls is when he's going after a toy that is out of his reach.

He truly is a happy and easy baby.  Not that we have anything to compare it to but he sleeps through the night (even when teething), eats just about everything you put in front of him, naps in his crib (finally!), and is rarely fussy.  Sounds like a a good baby to me.  We know we are more than lucky to have such a wonderful baby.  And we do our very best to not take our time with him for granted. 

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