Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fripp Island 2011

Every year Jay's family gets together at Fripp Island (in South Carolina) for one week during the summer.  Jay and I have never braved the entire week but this year we were there from Wednesday to Saturday night.  It's so much fun to catch up with family you don't see often.  It was even more fun to do it at the beach.  This year the group was smaller.  And by smaller I mean that we only had 25 people instead of 34.  Two houses with 25 people equals craziness but also a lot of fun.  This year was extra special since it was John Henry's first beach trip.  He loved it.  He absorbed as much as his little body could possibly take in.  It was so much fun to watch.  I took 500 pictures and although it appears that I posted them all, I did not.  Look at them if you want or don't.  Just know that I feel that I didn't take enough, and for that statement, Jay will read this and roll his eyes!

John Henry and Daddy looking out at the beach from our screened in porch.  This was taken right before we headed out for the first time. 

First trip out to the ocean...

Mommy and John Henry.  He was too busy looking at the water to be bothered with smiling at the camera.

I was trying to show him how to dig his fingers in and play in the sand.

He loved the waves!

Look at that sweet baby.  I think he was watching the birds.

Daddy showing him how to build a sand castle.

My beach boys

The great thing about Fripp is that once you're on the island, you use golf carts to get around.  John Henry really loved riding up front with Bebe and Daddy.

Look at all those kids!  The golf cart rides are always a big hit - especially when they get to see alligators (which happens on a daily basis).

John Henry and Jay being silly at the restaurant.

Holland, Sumner, and Henry showing us how it's done!

Sumner and Jay

One of the few family shots we got at dinner one night.

Wendy, Zach, and Sumner

Zach and Max

Wendy and Sumner

Another day at the beach. John Henry put the sand in his mouth once and decided it wasn't for him.  He did like to play in it - as long as he was in the shade.

Sherridan, Stephanie, and Daniel

Matthew.  Can't you tell he's from Colorado?  He's one of the few pale kids in the group.  I was relieved that John Henry wasn't the only pale kid!

We spent a lot of time hanging out on the screened in porch at our house.  It faces the ocean so it always has a great breeze that keeps you cool.  John Henry spent a lot of time out there and loved every second of it.

Jay knows exactly what to do to make JH smile and laugh.  I could watch the two of them all day.

Sherridan and Holland. 

John Henry rockin the fedora.  What you don't see is that he's trying to crawl to Sumner's iPad.

Sumner, Jay and JH. 

John Henry with his cousin Matthew.  Matthew loved John Henry and wanted to "hold" him. 

Aunt Wendy (the kids call her Ninny) spending some quality time with JH.  Everyone is always amazed at how soft baby skin is.  I guess you forget until you feel it!

Our last day at the beach.  We played in the wading pools after our failed attempt at nice beach pictures.

Cece and John Henry

Bebe and John Henry

We had the best time at the beach.  Craziness and all.  We are counting down the days until next year!  Thank you Sherridan, Bebe, and Uncle Joe.  Without your planning, connections, and money, this trip would never happen.  We love you!

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