Friday, September 16, 2011

9 Months

John Henry is 9 months!  He had his 9 month well check and we were surprised to hear that he is only 18 pounds 8 ounces.  We could have sworn that he was over 20!  He's 27 3/4 inches long and so that puts him in the 25th percentile for both height and weight.  He may be little but he makes up for it with his big smile!  His 9 month picture below made me a little sad.  He looks less like a baby and more like a little boy.  

Getting bigger in his chair!  We had a harder time doing 9 month pictures because he wanted to jump out of the chair.  Sitting still is not his thing anymore....

I'm pretty sure he's going to have green eyes.  They can still change based on what he's wearing and the lighting around him but for the most part, I think he'll have hazel eyes.  He's also starting to grow some more hair.  It's white blond and I have to wonder how long it will stay that way.

John Henry still loves phones and remote controls.  Give him both and he's in heaven.  Take them away and watch out.  I do my best to hide both when he's around but I will pull them out when I'm desperate to keep him entertained.

John Henry and Holland are starting to love each other more. Holland can say his name (which is not easy for an 18 month old) and they love to lean in and hug each other. When John Henry is near, Holland just wants to pat his head. It's pretty sweet.

John Henry is doing his best to communicate with us.  He's started to flap his arms when you say hello or goodbye.  He also says Mama, Dada, Ba (ball), and Yeah. I don't think he associates any of those words with the real thing but it's cute.  Since he's limited with his words, he does some funny things to get his point across.  One of our favorites is this thing that we call the Superman. He balls up his fists, makes his whole body shake, and then gets this serious look. It's like he's willing the situation to change. It's the funniest thing ever, and he does it at least 20 times a day.

He's started standing this month.  So scary.  He's pretty steady on his feet and has learned that some of his toys are perfect for standing and walking around.

Look at him showing off!

Now that he can stand he's not too thrilled when we try to keep him contained in an apparatus.  We thought he would love this jumpy that hangs from the ceiling since he loves to bounce.  He only lasted for one minute before he was ready to get out. 

I know he's still small but to me he looks bigger every day.  Just look at how much bigger he looks in his high chair.  We still use the small bumbos to eat in but I know it's just a matter of time until the high chair will be his full time eating char.

 One of John Henry's favorite things to do this month is to ride in his car.  This car is amazing and keeps him entertained every day.  He loves it and Jay is always happy to push him around.  We now use it for our walks, to get the mail, to visit neighbors, you get the picture.

John Henry is still doing the army crawl but he's getting better at it.  I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he's scooting across the room. 

At 9 months John Henry has 7 teeth with another on the way. He really likes to cuddle and wants to snuggle against us when he's tired.  It's so sweet and melts my heart every time.  When he's not being sweet, he's being funny.  He does some of the funniest things (at least we think so) and I feel like I'm always laughing at him.  He's really trying to figure things out and now he cocks his head to the side when he wants a better look at something.  I'm not sure why he does it but it's his way of concentrating.  It's pretty funny to see in person.

Now that school is back in session, he has yet another cold and I'm sure it's just one of many more to come before the end of the year.  Thankfully, he sleeps through the night when he's sick and just requires a little medicine to feel better.  He's happy, healthy (as healthy as he can be for being a daycare baby) and we wouldn't change a thing.

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